Third Appointment - Patient's Perspective

Parent’s Point of View 

Attachments and Security 

This was our third appointment. At this appointment, I received four more sets of our Invisalign. Every week we will switch to a new set. The shift and movement has been gradual, and this is fascinating. My first set fit like a glove and I wore them with no one noticing. The next step…the attachments.  

Recommendation: Before starting the orthodontic process, whether you will be wearing braces, Invisalign, or a retainer, be sure you are up to date with general dentistry. A recent x-ray is necessary to be certain there are no cavities or gum issues and a teeth cleaning will ensure a clean surface when attachments are applied.  

Attachments to my teeth was a new experience; and it was impressive. There was a map with specific teeth designated for application of the attachments. The science of the movement was interesting and educational. After the attachments were securely fastened, Dr. Kubo slipped the new set of Invisalign on my teeth. This set was tighter than the first, but after a few hours, I forgot I was wearing them. When talking, I had to enunciate more clearly and succinctly but over time, it got easier. Taking the trays out to eat, brush and floss became routine. 

Each week as we moved to the next set, I felt the tightness; the gradual movement and the science behind the process has been interesting. When I flossed, the tightness between my teeth was evolving. We know the spaces between our teeth and mine were shifting ever so slightly. I definitely would not want the shift to happen without guidance of an educated professional. It’s a secure feeling to be monitored by someone with decades of experience.  

There are many options for orthodontic care; as parents, we read and research what is best for our child. We want the finest teacher, the best coach, the best school etc. When we started this process I did not know what to expect, but after the first four weeks of a yearlong process, I am confident that my child and I are in the finest care. This is what all parents hope for when making decisions for their children and for themselves. Experience, trust and security is essential when it comes to our health. When you have it, you definitely know it.  

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Teenagers Point of View 

Worth It 

Going into this appointment, I was excited and nervous. I knew that this appointment would be the one where they put the invisible brackets on my teeth. I was scared it was going to hurt to put them on. I was also nervous about how it was going to look after.  

We walked inside and I signed in. I liked that part about signing in; I feel like I’m doing something myself. We wait for our name to be called and we head back to where we were last time. We sat in these little comfortable seats in the back and watched other people get their teeth done. I mean I had no idea what they were getting done to their teeth; whether it was the start of something new or the end of something great.  

They were suddenly ready for me, and this nice lady had me sit in the seat and take out my old retainers. She had me lay down and she worked on my teeth. This part was just to whiten them before they started the actual work.  

When Dr. Kubo came he explained what he was going to be doing to me. He explained how it would feel and that it would be tighter then before, but not to worry. I was of course interested and curious about what it felt like.  

Dr. Kubo had me lay back down and put this mouth thing inside my mouth. It was to make sure the lips didn’t get in the way of the process. It was one of those mouth things from a game I know about. It made me laugh. He said it wasn’t even their biggest size which made me laugh even more.  

They started working on my mouth and honestly, it didn’t hurt in the slightest. If I’m completely honest, it went a lot faster than I expected. After I was done they put the retainer in and then carefully took it out. It was to make sure the retainers could be taken in and out.  

Dr. Kubo was right, it was different, tighter, but it didn’t bother me. I expected that going into it. I looked at my smile in the mirror and was excited that my teeth were moving at that very point. I thanked him and the lady and they gave me my other retainers for the next four weeks. I was going to come back in for them to put more brackets in my mouth.  

After that appointment, my teeth felt pretty good when I went back to school. Although I admit, it was difficult to take the retainer out because the brackets were rough. Dr. Kubo told me to expect this and I wasn’t scared or nervous about it.  

The next day my teeth were very sore and it hurt to eat some things. I had to be careful about the things I ate. My teeth were just sensitive. After about two to three days, my teeth felt better and I started to get used to the new retainers and brackets. I know that when I change them again they will be sore all over again, but it’s worth it knowing that the end result is what I want.

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Kubo Orthodontic Group
(559) 438-7600 6315 N Fresno St Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93710

Office Hours

  • Monday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Thursday: Closed
  • Friday: Closed
  • Lunch daily from 12:00pm to 1:15pm